NE Alberta & MLK
On Wednesday the board of the Portland Development Commission voted in favor of selling land at NE MLK & Alberta to Majestic Realty Company. The developer intends to build a strip mall anchored by Natural Grocers on the site.
The City also announced its intention to move forward with an affordable housing development at 3368 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. According to a story in The Oregonian the site will be developed by Gerding Edlen and Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives Inc.
The DJC published photos of the under construction Cameron Apartments, previously known as the 12th & Clay apartments.
Construction is nearing an end at 3939 SW Viewpoint Terrace. The DJC published a photo gallery of the progress.
A four story, 30 unit building is set to replace an a fourplex apartment building at 3423 SE Hawthorne Blvd, reported The Chronicle. 15 members of the group ‘Stop Demolishing Portland‘ turned up on Saturday to protest the new building.
Really? A strip mall?
Seriously a strip mall is the best this city can do for this prime site? The drawings here look awful. Stacked concrete brick, a few small businesses. What a loss for what could be a thriving site with multi story mixed used.
This is completely unacceptable. Where is the neighborhood outcry on this one? They all rallied to keep Trader Joe’s out and now we get this hideous, suburban, ugly, low-density, car-centric strip mall with an overpriced grocery store. I can’t believe we’re still building this kind of crap in close-in Portland.