4703 N Albina by Lever Architecture
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
SolTerra Architecture have requested Design Advice for a project on the parking lot at 3138 N Vancouver:
New development of 100 units of housing with 3,000-4,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space. Provide 44 parking spaces at grade and in parking garage below grade. 6 stories & basement collecting and re-using storm water onsite.
Hennebery Eddy Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 110 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, on the same block as their recently completed 107 NE Grand project:
Rehab existing stucture to establish commercial/retail space on grd floor; upgrade apartments on the second & third floors. Alternate plan is to fully gut and re-plan apartment floors and add one floor of apartmentson top of building.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a tower at 1430 NW Glisan St:
270,000 gsf 14-story residential tower, approx 273 units. 7,500 sf Retail on the ground floor. Developed jointly with abutting 4,300 sf site. Parking is below grade – 182 total stalls
A building permit was issued to Lever Architecture for one of the structures making up 4703 N Albina:
New two story accessory building with shared trash enclosure, conference room and private office on second level; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division PWB WGBF– DCVA required on domestic, DCDA required on fire, to be installed per PWB guidelines at www.Portlandoregon.Gov.. See permit 15-194172
(the building permit for the other building at 4703 N Albina is Approved to Issue):
New 4-story mass timber office building with elevator; see comments re: review by State of Oregon Building Codes Division DCVA required on Domestic, DCDA required on Fire service, to be installed per PWB installation requirements at www.portlandoregon,gov/water/backflowinstallationrequirements.