Pine Street Market
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Mortenson Development have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 619 SW 11th Ave, currently the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette offices:
Proposal is to develop a hotel.
Ankrom Moisan Architect have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 1931 N Williams:
5 story 160 unit apartment building with below grade parking (90 spaces)
SERA Architects have submitted their renovation of the Leland James Center for Design Review:
Renovation of the Con-way Leland James Center building into a creative office bldg with ground floor retail.
A building permit was issued to Siteworks Design | Build for the Pine Street Market:
Shell only; demo interior walls on the main floor and add new walls to create bike storage room, trash room, cell data, janitorial, 2 new restrooms; change of occupancy from “S” to “B” on the 2nd and 3rd floor; seismic upgrade to the whole building separate mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits required