An initial Design Review hearing is approaching for the Fair Haired Dumbbell, the latest addition to the Burnside Bridgehead. The building takes its name from its arrangement in plan: two boxes linked by skybridges. Between the two boxes there will be 64,700 sq ft of space, made up primarily of retail and the ground floor and office space in the five floors above. The design of the project is by FFA Architecture and Interiors for Guerrilla Development.
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Metro Reports: Pine Street Market, Conway Leland James Center and more

Pine Street Market
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Mortenson Development have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 619 SW 11th Ave, currently the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette offices:
Proposal is to develop a hotel.
Ankrom Moisan Architect have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 1931 N Williams:
5 story 160 unit apartment building with below grade parking (90 spaces)
SERA Architects have submitted their renovation of the Leland James Center for Design Review:
Renovation of the Con-way Leland James Center building into a creative office bldg with ground floor retail.
A building permit was issued to Siteworks Design | Build for the Pine Street Market:
Shell only; demo interior walls on the main floor and add new walls to create bike storage room, trash room, cell data, janitorial, 2 new restrooms; change of occupancy from “S” to “B” on the 2nd and 3rd floor; seismic upgrade to the whole building separate mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits required
Weekly Roundup: James Beard Public Market, OHSU and more

James Beard Public Market
Designs for the James Beard Public Market were released by Snøhetta. Portland Architecture provided extensive coverage of the announcement, where Snøhetta founding partner Craig Dykers spoke about how they arrived at the design.
OHSU has raised the $500 million match needed to gift from Phil Knight. The money will help the university move ahead with the Center for Health & Healing South and the Knight Cancer Research Building.
Also at OHSU, Portland Monthly had a look at the soon to open Treehouse Apartments by Lever Architecture. The apartments are a rare residential development on Marquam Hill.
The Portland City Council approved a ‘make or break’ deal with ZRZ Realty that will spur development on the Zidell Yards.
Upcoming micro restaurant spot The Zipper has lined up another tenant: Paydirt, a new bar by the people behind The Old Gold.
Creative agency Swift has signed a lease for 30,000 sq ft of office space at the under construction 1638 NW Overton building.
The City is considering whether developers should be able to receive extra density for affordable housing.
Design Advice offered for 2211 SW 4th Ave
Design Advice has been offered to Koz Development for a student housing development at 2211 SW 4th Ave, near Portland State University. The proposed building would include 110 residential units in an eight story building. The ground floor as proposed would be primarily taken up by public parking.
Pre-Application Conference Scheduled for building at SE 11th & Burnside
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Urban Development Group to discuss a new building at SE 11th & Burnside. The proposed 7 story building by Vallaster Corl Architects will have 84 residential apartments over ground floor retail and parking for 23 cars. 126 bicycle parking spaces are proposed.
Knight Cancer Research Building receives Design Advice (images)
Design Advice has been offered to SRG Partnership for their proposed Knight Cancer Research Building in South Waterfront. The building will be the second building in the OHSU Schnitzer Campus, following the Collaborative Life Sciences Building which was completed in 2014.
Metro Reports: 15 story tower proposed at 514 SE Belmont, permit issued for Hawthorne 31, and more

11th & Ankeny apartments
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Urban Development Group have requested Design Advice for their project at 11th & Ankeny:
Design Advice Request for a new mixed-use building – 2191 sq ft retail; 84 residential units; 6081 sq ft of below ground parking (23 parking spaces total).
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7246 N Mohawk Ave:
17-18 unit multi family building with on-site storm handling. Transfer of density from neighboring site at 7922 N Ivanhoe. One house to remain on 7922 N Ivanhoe.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Vallaster Corl Architects to discuss a project at 514 SE Belmont St:
Pre-App. Conference to discuss a Type III Historic Resource Review for a new 15-story mixed-use building with ground level retail, parking (approx. 90 spaces) on the 2nd and 3rd floors and 193 residential units on the upper floors.
A Pre-Permit Zoning Plan Check has been requested for a building at 3423 SE Hawthorne Blvd:
New four story 24 unit apartment building
Holst Architecture have submitted 510 NW 15th Ave for Design Review:
Renovation of 2 existing buildings to include seismic upgrades, 4 levels on the west building for creative office space
A demolition permit was issued to Works Partnership, which will enable a townhome development at 5711 E Burnside St to move ahead:
Demolish existing one story commercial building, 896 sf, requirement of final plat permit 15-108229FP, remove all debris
A pair of building permits were issued to FFA Architecture for the Tess O’ Brien apartments:
6 story 5/1, 74 apts
6 story 5/1, 52 apts
A building permit was issued for an apartment building at 4937 SE Division St by SERA Architects:
New 134 unit apartment building with retail at ground level and tuck under parking.
A building permit was issued to TVA Architects for the Hawthorne 31 Apartments at 1515 SE 31st Ave:
New 4-story mixed use building with ground floor retail and 30 apartment units in floors 2-4.
A building permit was issued for a new building at 6030 SE 52nd Ave:
New 2 story commercial building; shell only; with associated site work. No occupancy under this permit, separate ti permits required for occupancy. Sprinkler/alarm required.
Weekly Roundup: Lents Town Center, Loyal Legion, Langano Apartments and more

Lents Town Center Property #2, including the New Copper Penny site
The Portland Development Commission will vote next week on whether to offer financial support to the three development projects in Lents. The developments include: a development by Palindrome Communities on Lents Town Center Property #2, which will also include the New Copper Penny site; a development by Williams & Dame on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South); and a third by Asian Health & Services Center Lents Town Center Property #4.
The Loyal Legion, the new bar by ChefStable in the I. O. O. F. Orient Lodge / PPAA Building will open to the public on July 8th. A pre-opening event hosted by Restore Oregon will take place on July 3rd, where guests will receive guided tours of the newly renovated building.
The City Council discussed the zoning map amendment that will allow the Multnomah County Health Department HQ to be up to 150′ tall. A vote will be held next week.
A 6 week old restaurant was named by The Oregonian as its restaurant of the year. Renata recently opened in the former warehouse at 626 SE Main.
The growth scenarios in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan show that Portland is expected to gain 94,000 new apartments between 2010 and 2035, but only 17,000 new single family homes.
The new headquarters for SolTerra Systems at 2422 SE 9th Ave will be the tallest building on the west coast built with insulated concrete forms. Other sustainable features will include a green roof and low flow plumbing fixtures.
The Portland Business Journal published a photo gallery of Park Avenue West, the downtown skyscraper scheduled for completion in December.
Tenants are now moving into the Langano Apartments, according to the Portland Chronicle. The building is owned by Petros Jarra and Ainalem Sultessa, immigrants who formerly operated Jarra’s Ethiopian Restaurant on the same site.
The Oregonian reported on the new building proposed at 4th & Harrison, which will include 425 apartments targeted to students at PSU. The developer hopes to open the building in 2018.
The East Building at One North is nearly finished. The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about how the building will serve as a model for sustainability.
Restoration Hardware returns to Historic Landmarks Commission (images)
The proposed Restoration Hardware store on NW 23rd has returned for a second Design Advice hearing in front of the Historic Landmarks Commission. The proposed store by Ankrom Moisan Architects would be modeled on the furniture store’s ‘Gallery’ concept, as used at the recently opened West Hollywood store. Furniture would be display in a series of linked rooms, as they might be in a house. A roof terrace will be used to display outdoor furniture.
9th & Belmont Apartments (images)
A Design Review hearing has been held for the 9th & Belmont Apartments, a 6 story building by Ankrom Moisan Architects and Foresight Development & Real Estate. The proposed building would have 105 units, split between 35 studios, 60 one bedroom units and 10 two bedroom units. Up to 5 retail spaces are proposed at the ground level. Parking for 17 cars and 163 bicycles will be provided.