Jefferson 14 Apartments
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Abbasi Design Works has requested Early Assistance for a project at 3150 SE Belmont St:
New construction of 20 apartment with commercial on ground floor and on-site parking
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1727 NW Hoyt St, a building which previously slated for demolition:
Utilize historic preservation incentives to renovate a existing office building and convert it to a boutique hotel 70 rooms.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1015 NW 16th Ave:
Demo adjacent buildings and combine lots for a single mixed-use building. Proposed use: retail and self storage.
A series of building permits are under review at 14224 E Burnside St:
New 3 story (13 unit) apartment buildilng with laundry and common room; with on site parking, site improvements and site amenities (sports court, play area, and court yard)
New 3 story (9 unit) apartment building
New 3 story (12 unit) apartment building
Myhre Group have submitted drawings for a building permit for a new building at 2405 N Vancouver Ave:
New multi family 5 level, 54 unit apartment building over a below grade parking garage
TVA Architects have submitted drawings for a building permit for the Jefferson 14 apartments:
New 6 story apartment building, landscaping and site improvements