Surround Architecture’s remodel and expansion of the Grove Hotel
Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
GBD Architects have requested for Design Advice for Conway Blocks 294 and 295:
2 mixed use buildings over a continuous (2) level underground parking structure
Surround Architecture have requested for Design Advice for their remodel and expansion of the Grove Hotel:
Renovation of existing 3 story building & construction of new 9 story mixed use building
ZGF Architects and ZRZ Realty have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3201 SW Moody Ave in the Zidell Yards:
Mixed-use building with 6-7 floors of apartments over a podium and ground floor retail, over 2 levels of underground parking.
Koz Development have requested a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 2211 SW 4th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss Type III Design Review for new 110-unit apartment building over surface level parking deck. The building will provide “micro-studio student housing”.
A separate Type III Historic Resource Review is still pending for a project at 1810 NE 11th Ave, however BKL/A Architecture have applied for a building permit:
Construct 3 story, 12 unit apartment building, no onsite parking, flowthrough planters at landscaped area and associated site improvements
Works Partnership have applied for a building permit for the MODS Willamette project at 8332 N Willamette Blvd:
Construct new 2 story, 6 unit modular apartment building, no parking, partial street improvement, scope of work includes basement, foundation, exterior cladding, porches at 1st and 2nd floor, parapets, roof assembly, associated site work such as stormwater facility, bike parking and landscaping, detached trash enclosure is 52sf; modular unit construction prior approval by state of Oregon permit #M638 14-5420c
A building permit was issued to Dustrud Architecture for the Boathouse Apartments at 0444 SW Boundary St:
6 story, 154,903 sf, 124 unit residential apartment building with parking at ground level. IIIB over IA construction.