St Francis Park Apartments (images)

The St Francis Park Apartments at SE 11th & Stark are set to have their first Design Advice hearing on December 11th. The project by MWA Architects for the Catholic Charities of Oregon will include 102 units of affordable housing. According to a story in the Oregonian, 10 units would be reserved for people earning less than 30 percent of the median income. 25 units would be reserved for women transitioning out of homelessness or abusive homes.  A community room for the residents and neighborhood will be provided at the southwest corner.


EA 14-227891 DA - St. Francis Park Apartments - Application - perspective 01

Perspective at SE 11th & Stark

EA 14-227891 DA - St. Francis Park Apartments - Application - perspective 02

Elevation along SE Stark St

Existing Conditions

The site is currently developed as St Francis Park, a rare block of outdoor space in the Central Eastside. The property was previously owned by the adjacent St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, who sold the property early this year for $1.9 million. The loss of the open space has led to opposition by some in the Buckman neighborhood. The loss of the open is somewhat mitigated by the proposed central plaza.

Plans and Sections

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